The Fortnite servers shut down early before the 22.10 update. We know that every Thursday, Fortnite gets a weekly refresh. Sometimes, Epic Games updates Fortnite between weeks. These updates can contain anything from error code fixes to new weapons and skins. This time, Fortnite has shut down early for the 22.10 update.
Are the Fortnite Servers Down?
According to Fortnite Status on Twitter, the Fortnite servers are already down to address update 22.10. Apparently, there is an issue that has arrived which needs some extra ironing out before we can experience Fortnite update 22.10 on October 4, 2022.
Usually, Fortnite servers go down at around 1:00 am PT before an update. This time, it is different. Though we don’t exactly know why server maintenance has started early, we can guess why.
Fortnite update 22.10 will bring us Bytes’ Dark Bargain Quests. These quests will be viewable from the Quest menu. Upon completing them, you will unlock more versions of the Byte-exclusive harvesting tool.
The new Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Super Styles skins will be added with the 22.10 update. Though we don’t exactly know what this season’s Super Style will be, we will keep you informed once we know.
We also know that the Boogie Bomb is getting vaulted with the 22.10 update. Whether you loved the Boogie Bombs or hated them with a passion, it is good to get a refresh of weapons and gadgets in Fortnite. Speaking of which, you can now enjoy the Ranger shotgun in Fortnite.
For now, you can look forward to Fortnitemares and start planning your best Halloween skin to wear during the season. For the latest news, quest guides, and server checks, be sure to head over to our Fortnite page for more.
Fortnite is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mobile Devices, and PC.
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